You can protect your university from flooding! Learn how by joining this FREE webinar!
Hear a German engineer and flood expert as he talks about established solutions for flooding.
Get access to this FREE webinar and discover the perfect solutions for a flood-free university.
You can learn solutions for flood damaging situations AT NO COST! In this webinar, you can learn how to:You can learn the modern solutions for flood damaging situations AT NO COST! In this webinar, you will find out how to:
- Protect classrooms and valuable university assets
- Minimize flood damage cost
- Have a continuous operation in your university
- Just fill up the form below to have the access to the webinar. 45%
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Flooding is one of the major problems in many Asian countries. Many critical infrastructures are damaged when flood flows ragingly. Universities are not exempted from those that can be damaged by flood.
Should you wait for another flood to overturn your own university? No, you should not. Flood protecting your university must be one of your top priorities!
You can learn how to turn your university into a flood-protected one! Hear a German engineer and flood expert talk about solutions for flood damaging situations! In this webinar, you can learn how to:
- Protect classrooms and valuable university assets
- Minimize flood damage cost
- Have a continuous operation in your university
Take it from Satisfied Customers
Good news – you are not the first person to have problems with floods! But there are people from all over the world who are extremely happy because they made the good decision to protect their properties from floods. It all starts with properly engineered Flood Solutions. Let them help YOU make the right decision!
“I tried searching for flood defenses and I found out that there is Flood Control Asia RS, a German technology, European brand, and thinking that it has a better quality, we decided to contact FCA… My husband said, It’s better to have German technology because it has better quality.
“For me, it always speaks of how professional people are by the way they handle a particular product and the services that they offer. We felt that it’s very credible because it’s German technology so we might as well go for it.
“Due to climate change, Qatar is now experiencing heavier rainfalls than before. Doha Education City is under threat of flash flooding. The barriers were put up semi-permanently at twelve (12) buildings during the rainy season, providing additional safety under severe weather conditions.
“We decided to visit the company’s office in Clark and we were amazed by the different types of floodgates. The team showed how the RS Flood Barriers work in protecting the assets that we’ve worked hard for. I feel relieved now because we know that our house is protected against flood even if we’re in Manila, and away from home.
Why join this FREE webinar?
No one is automatically immune to floods. Even one of the longest-standing universities in Ireland, the University of Cork College, which produced many of the brightest and smartest students, had to stop its operation when flood plunged the university. Important facilities in the academic institution were heavily affected; thus, halting its operation. Classes were interrupted, students were walking in floodwaters, equipment, cars, and buildings were damaged. Along with the damaged properties are millions of dollars suddenly swept away by the flood.
By joining this FREE webinar, you will discover the perfect solution for a flood-free university! Join German engineer and flood expert as he shows you how to flood protect your facility.
Come! Join this FREE webinar and uncover the modern and proven solutions for creating a flood-free university!
You can learn how to turn your university into a flood-protected one! Hear a German engineer and flood expert talk about solutions for flood damaging situations! In this webinar, you can learn how to:
- Protect classrooms and valuable university assets
- Minimize flood damage cost
- Have a continuous operation in your university
Trusted by more than 11,000 satisfied customers
with 65,000 installed systems in 34 countries around the world
Come! Join this FREE webinar and uncover the modern and proven solutions for creating a flood-free university!
You can learn how to turn your university into a flood-protected one! Hear a German engineer and flood expert talk about solutions for flood damaging situations! In this webinar, you can learn how to:
- Protect classrooms and valuable university assets
- Minimize flood damage cost
- Have a continuous operation in your university
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